• Dienstleistung

Spine Basic Equilibrium (WBA)

A pelvic obliquity can trigger a compensatory malposition of the spine. The consequence is a restriction of movement of the spine and various other joints such as the hip or knee joints. Such malpositions, which often exist for years, not only have negative effects on the affected joints, but also disturb the free flow of life energy in the body.


The aim of the spinal column basic balance is to eliminate the energetic blockages in the body as well as incorrect postures of the skeleton. The pelvic obliquity is corrected and the associated energetic imbalance is corrected. Therefore, the spinal base balance is always combined with an acupuncture point massage.


Through targeted, gentle swinging on the swing pillow, the spine and musculature are optimally relieved and thus there is no pressure on the back. The joints are gently mobilized and the optimally relieved joints, primarily those of the spine, even regenerate the intervertebral discs. The treatment on the swing pillow is also ideal for prevention, for increasing the energy flow and for the care of all joints.






13.00 – 19.00 



08.00 – 19.00



08.00 – 19.00



08.00 – 19.00



08.00 – 13.00


Massage Praxis
Forchstrasse  34
8008 Zürich


  079 427 16 62






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079 427 16 62 E-Mail Standort